This teacher-created spiral review packet is great for elementary teachers, homeschools, and parents who want to enrich or avoid loss of skills due to absences or "summer slide." Each worksheet in contains 6-8 math problems to help kids practice and reinforce multiple math concepts. Based on your students' needs, it can be used with grades 2-4 (I used it with 3rd grade).
Allows students to practice math concepts all year, not just when the concept is being taught.
Helps reinforce math basics.
Gives students more opportunities to master concepts.
Reduces the need for a huge review right before end of year tests.
Helps build student confidence.
Difficulty level grows with your students throughout the year.
Copyright note: After purchasing and downloading this teacher-created document, you may make copies to use with your students. Please do not share this document with other teachers. I have priced it fairly so everyone can purchase for their own students.