This abstract is from my research project in graduate school
This project seeks to increase student participation in the research component required of Science Fair submissions at a high-poverty, low-performing middle school. Since research indicates that the highest-performing, high-poverty schools utilize teacher collaboration and data analysis, hold students to high expectations, provide a supportive learning environment, and maintain caring teacher-student relationships, I wondered if using these same strategies would improve student participation and performance at this school. The media coordinator and academic teachers collaborated to collect pre-test data, analyze it, and then use it to plan an integrated unit of study based on the learning needs of the students. Students were also given multiple opportunities to work on their research in small groups with teacher support and scaffolding. Post-test data indicated growth in student learning during the unit, and the number of research papers turned in increased significantly over the previous two years’ numbers. The findings indicate that this school may find more success in the future by continuing to have teachers collaboratively collect and analyze data, then plan and teach lessons in a highly-structured, supportive environment.